CHOKE [2008]: Please Choke me now!

a post-'Choke' post...

Choke. Suck. Choke. Suck. Choke.

No matter how one repeats the words on top it is still reminiscent of Clark Gregg's 'filmic depiction' of Chuck Palahniuk's Choke. After watching it, i have a strong hesitation to lent the DVD copy to Almira, my Chuck-Palahniuk-identified-fanatic friend, because i know she will be disappointed. Close to being choked entirely, one concern for me is Clark Gregg's directorial flatness. The images remain on my laptop screen and it remains there after 89 minutes with all its stupidity and static weirdness. It could be that the film is made that way, less entertaining and more stupid than any 2008 film, and that it justifies itself on that context; or it could be that the this film is symptomatic of the latent stupidity of mainstream films (you can kill me now!).

