For Keith Hernandez Cipriano

...someone close to my heart...

As a graduating student:
with a degree in BA English Studies
Major in English Language

Keith, as we ordinarily call him, is one of my closest friends. This is my way of celebrating his existence. Today is his 20th birthday. I can always remember Keith by his distinctive music playlist which compose of mostly classics from classical Hollywood films, disco music from the 70s. Being his roommate for one summer, a song remains faithful to my memory.

Dancing Queen
one of his favorite songs

This is for him!

with me

with another close friend, Gela.

with me, glorifying everything!

a spontaneous joker!

doing the tongue thing with RJ!

pushing boundaries together!

together. forevaaa!

Keep it as it is.

We love you Keith! More power to you and your endeavors ahead.

Keith, welcome to the world once again!
