The Project: A Man With A Cheap Camera (2010)

[New Avant-Garde Movement Project]

[intro] | [films]


A Man With A Cheap Camera
(Epoy Deyto, Philippines, 2010) - 7'45''

[from his vimeo]

"I liked the poetic sensibility of Man with a Cheap Camera, a movie really about nothing
- Jonas Mekas (Filmmaker; Jury: dotfest online short film festival)

My very first work. Shot entirely using a china-made mp4 player with a 3gp camera, explains the quality of the picture, it's from a months load of footages. I made the music with a guitar that is one string short and recorded with a headset microphone. Really crappy film-making, but it's one of my most acclaimed work so far. And I think it's just ok to say that I'm really proud of this work.

everything by me.

selected at the dotfest Online Film Festival - Experimental Category ("
