recent DVD acqusitions

A movie poster

A film screen in a canvas!

Salma Hayek is breathless, possibly the most remarkable role she had ever performed as an actress.

Frida(2002) is a feminist film. Every position elucidates the power and right of a women. Frida's struggle as an artist and as a wife of Diego Rivera, a world-famous communist painter, expands the realm of her sensibilty as a woman character.

What i love about the film is definitely the make-up of Salma Hayek. Everything is artistically combined to produce a warm effect on screen. Hayek's costume adds to the vitality of the film screen making it as if it was a canvas. The play of color is immense.

Frida Kahlo's life is also colorful and vibrant. She was in a lot of pain. She suffered on a car accident which damaged her legs and vagina making hewr impossible to conceive. But her frustrations were channeled into her paintings. She was a towering achievement in Neomexecanismo Art movement for being one of the leading influence of modern Mexican art. Her styles varies from realism, surrealsim, and symbolism to represent and display her expressions about her sexuality and her pain, both physical and emotional. All of her paintings are very original. it somewhat touches the true fabric of her being.

Frida Kahlo, Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace
and Hummingbird
, Nikolas Muray Collection,
Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin

Enjoy the trailer.

Ciao! God Bless!