Just a Peek!

I am back!

[image from Arbogast]

My Lenten retreat was peaceful indeed. I went home via plane last Wednesday afternoon and i just got back this morning via bus.

I have so many fresh ideas for April. With my manageable summer class schedule i can finally concentrate on my critical independent studies on film. My goal for April is to prepare for some critical essays on films, focusing on the importance of semiotics (mostly from neo-formalist perspective opened by Bordwell and Thompson in the 1980s).

I just watched Slumdog Millionaire (Danny Boyle, 2008) at Cinema 9 of SM North awhile ago. It completes my critical perception about the film and also prompts a notion on the distortion of the film's purpose when viewed on a laptop compared when it is viewed on a big screen.


SENSES OF CINEMA has a new ISSUE here.

Richard Bolisay writes essential thoughts on putting up a LOCAL FILM MAGAZINE and the importance of Film Criticism in the Philippine Soil here.

Girish has a new post on Narrative Synthesis here.

Arbogast has "Why you are not the Final Girl" here.
