a commentary

December 28, 2008

To say that i am living in an icy cold room with enough coffee, a one-year old laptop, and a pack of Marlboro Lights may be too romantic for a writer. These images came to me as fire envelops a building, it heaves like a tantrum, but simple and unpretentious. 500 kilometer from civilization i sat on my bed merely thinking about the academic work that has been installed two weeks ago. I find it suffocating to be inside my room 24 hours with nothing to talk to but a blunder text mate named *toot*. My isolation is getting worse, my blood pressure dropped erratically every time i lie down. But then i must continue this trivial stance for a week, it's gonna be heaven by Sunday so watch out for the coming updates. I have been finalizing the list of my TOP 20 films of the year.

I have certainly achieved 'NIRVANA' status on my film research after reading 4 essays on subjects such as animated films, the French New Wave, auteur theory. It is important however to keep this status, whether my ass gets flatten in my bed or develop a gangrene on one of my fingers. The essential book WORLD CINEMA: CRITICAL APPROACHES edited by John Hill and Pamela Church Gibson legitimizes the 'CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK' that i have been developing for my criticism. I have promised once that i would deliver my first critique on Almodovar's BAD EDUCATION(2004). Another complication occurred to me as to what approach is necessary to elucidate the highlights of the film.

What i learned with my introspective dealings with Stephen Prince is that there are 6 approaches to the analysis on film: Psychoanalytic, Feminist, Realism, Cognitive, Ideological, and Auteur. I felt that learning these approaches will guide me thoroughly of my criticism. It's been 4 months since i started my research on FILMS but found that these theories are the fundamental grounds for criticism. It's a bit disappointment in my case. As i got nearer and nearer to my goal, i felt blunder of the medium.

With this difficulty i badly need the net to consume my doubts and to fill the gaps on my mind. I have recently acquired a cellular phone which can directly lead me to cyberworld, but WTF, it's a shit. So i have to suffer and come to the local net shop to be connected. I find it an incovinience and a shame.

But anyway, i still want to celebrate the seasons' stillness and tranquility.